Extra MOTHER merch storage
This shelf was supposed to simply hold books and store boxes, but I put some rare stuff on it too! Pictured is the Fangamer kickstarter coloring book, Fangamer MOTHER3 handbooks, MOTHER1+2 Perfect Guidebook, MOTHER Guidebook, King of Games shirt boxes (one is the red Ultimate Chimera shirt), commissioned acrylic Franklin Badge, MOTHER3 Deluxe Box, and DX Mr. Saturn figure box.
This shelf was supposed to simply hold books and store boxes, but I put some rare stuff on it too! Pictured is the Fangamer kickstarter coloring book, Fangamer MOTHER3 handbooks, MOTHER1+2 Perfect Guidebook, MOTHER Guidebook, King of Games shirt boxes (one is the red Ultimate Chimera shirt), commissioned acrylic Franklin Badge, MOTHER3 Deluxe Box, and DX Mr. Saturn figure box.