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Chapter 1 - Page 58: Of Oreos and Hocus-Pocus - by kenisu3000

Chapter 1 - Page 58: Of Oreos and Hocus-Pocus

kenisu - #58
I've always felt the livingroom was awfully... stark. I designed it similar to what's seen in the game, knowing full well how bland and... I dunno, threadbare(?) it looked, but I wanted to keep it that way, just for a laughable throwback to the simple 8-bit design of the game. But dang, after drawing and coloring all these pages, it seems to me that I should have at least succumbed to wallpaper, windows and a light fixture! What kind of psycho house -doesn't- have windows around its front door? And without those windows or an immediate light source aside from the kitchen window, how could it be so bright indoors? That's the price of adhering 100% to the game's design for the house's exterior first, THEN putting together the interior. You look at the inner layout and realize it doesn't conform to the outer structure at all. In the game, the front door, as seen from the the livingroom, is brown and square at the top, with no built-in window, but outside, it's gray with a rounded top and window, AND the doorknob's on the wrong side! So I changed it to fit the outside appearance. At least that's one claim to consistency I can make.

I need a life.

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kenisu3000 Prologue - Page 11: In the Guest Room Lies...
kenisu - #11
It wasn't until I gave James the line "Why did you bring the boy?" that I realized I must have unconsciously designed him after James "Jimmy" Stewart (the line reminded me of the movie "Shenandoah", where Stewart refers to his own son as "the boy", when speaking to his wife's grave after a huge mess of tragedy happens to the family - he names off everyone in his family that was killed, and since his son was sent into the Civil War against his will, Stewart's character had not heard anything of him for years, and so he adds to his wife "...and probably the boy..."
10/22/06 0.00
kenisu3000 Chapter 1 - Page 63: Ready Go!
kenisu - #63
And now, the moment you've all been waiting for: after three years of going without his headwear, Ninten FINALLY puts his cap on!
6/15/09 0.00
kenisu3000 Chapter 1 - Page 64: The Big Sendoff
kenisu - #64
At last, Elvis has left the building! NO MORE ATTACK OF THE KILLER BEIGE!!
6/15/09 0.00
kenisu3000 Chapter 1 - Page 26: When Lamps Attack
kenisu - #26
Sorry about how pale the colors are and everything... up until now, I've been using the superb scanners at my university, but now that I'm home from college, my so-so standard scanner will have to do.
My winks to the 80's continue. Basically, I'm giving Ninten the sort of fandom that I was into back then (although I was 6 in 1988, whereas Ninten is supposed to be 12, so I have to take each medium's target age into account), and Garfield and ALF were just two of the things I remember the 80's for. As for the San Francisco Giants, I've never been much of a sports fans at all, but I'm really milking the Encyclopedia MOTHER for all it's worth to bring out Ninten's personality.
12/18/06 0.00
kenisu3000 Chapter 1 - Page 53: Sounds Like Psychokinesis
kenisu - #53
Sometimes I feel a little awkward when I write characters doing, with ease, something I have immense difficulty with in real life. In this case, it's having a phone conversation. I have (just the image of being handed the receiver makes me shudder), and speaking to members of my own family is still no exception. Yeah, I know, I'm a psychiatrist's dream patient.
On another note, I knew this page and the next few were going to come out looking one-sided, even while I was doing the sketches for them a good year and a half ago, because we hear (well, read) both ends of the phone line, but only see Ninten's side. So I tried my best to make the visuals the least bit boring as possible without distracting from the dialogue, by making Ninten fidget and make an occasional face. And there's also going to be some visual flashbacks coming up, so Ninten won't have to be in every single frame.
4/5/09 0.00


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