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"Whose Hat is This?" coloring book, pgs. 11 & 12 - by kenisu3000

"Whose Hat is This?" coloring book, pgs. 11 & 12

whohat - #07
So why aren't Ninten and Lloyd all decked out in warm clothing? That's the beauty of cartoons - it doesn't have to make sense.
Page 12 has to be my absolute favorite :) It's all about the disgusting sneezing. Of course, I was pulling a wink at the game again, where you have to be careful who you talk to in Snowman, or they just might cough all over you and give you a cold. So originally I was going to make it a cough, but I decided sneezing would be infinitely funnier.

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kenisu3000 Prologue - Page 6: The Night Deepens
kenisu - #06
Whatever it was that was above the couple's house, it has now departed.

For the time being.
10/8/06 0.00
kenisu3000 Prologue - Page 24: George Knows
kenisu - #24
I had been looking forward to this page ever since I started the prologue. It's all about the plot buildup!!
12/1/06 0.00
kenisu3000 Prologue - Page 7: Suzannah and Johnny
kenisu - #07
Here, we get to meet three of my original characters: George and Maria's son, Johnny (I guess if I had to give him an age, I'd say about five), Maria's sister Suzannah, and James, who was mentioned on Page 3.
I knew that since George and Maria had a legacy that HAD to have been laid down BEFORE the abduction, then they must have had a child that had been perhaps overlooked in the kidnapping. To emphasize this, I gave them a son, designed him the way I draw Ninten (just with brown hair and newsie-style clothes), and I made it so that during the abduction, he had been out visiting his aunt Suzannah. Also, note the continued use of British dialect: Johnny refers to his mother as "mum".
At first I wanted the next page after the George-and-Maria scream and the shattering-of-the-eyeglasses to be where Suzannah brings Johnny home, to find the house completely abandoned. Instead, I realized there would need to be some more introduction to these characters, and maybe some interaction with others before they discovered the awful truth. That's how James became more than just a fleeting mention made by George. So, I threw in some more character establishment, and the "Big Discovery" was shifted to Page 8.
I made James to resemble the typical old farmer, jaded by the "young whipper-snappers these days", and I gave him a corn field. Corn fields are great if you want to write something scary. Also, there's a little nuance which I don't think was made clear enough: James' home is the 1906 equivalent of the house in 1988 of the fat guy who says his house was torn apart by a poltergeist.
10/8/06 0.00
kenisu3000 Prologue - Page 1: The Youthful Couple
kenisu - #01
Well, this is it. This project has been literally years in the making, as it's been brewing in my mind since I first finished the game in 2000 (coherent scenes that I recall to this day didn't start forming until summer of 2002). At any rate, I had been putting it off and putting it off, until finally, just this last April, when I came back to this site after a long absence and discovered that Mother 3 was soon to be released. That brought back the fanboy in me, and I wasted no time in making plans for a comic series of my favorite game in the whole trilogy - Mother 1. The mysterious elements of this game, and the uncanny landscapes which remind me of my childhood, have long held me entranced. So, I present to you what has been on paper only since April, but what has been cooking up in my mind since six years earlier.
To comment on this specific page, I'd like to admit that the introductory narrative was a bad decision on my part. For future reference, the phrase "Little did they know" automatically cheese-ifies ANY piece of fiction. George and Maria needed no formal introduction - they introduce each other. I should have used a single subtitle saying "Outskirts of a rural American town, circa 1906", but I guess it's all water under the bridge now.
9/24/06 0.00
kenisu3000 Prologue - Page 2: The Shadow from Above
kenisu - #02
This whole bit with George using British dialect ("oh pooh"
, "what a bother")... I'm not too familiar with the EXACT way people spoke back in 1906, but I knew it was more proper and people had much more respect for others and their elders than today, so I subsituted the only proper dialect I'm anywhere near familiar with. You'll see more of this "British" dialect later on in the prologue.
By the way, the game simply states that all this happened in the "beginning of the 1900's", not a specific year. I only chose 1906 because it IS stated that George returned two years later - in this case, that would be 1908 - and EarthBound Zero states that when the game, which IS officially stated to take place in 1988, begins, it is 80 years after George and Maria's time. So in case you were wondering, there is indeed a method to my madness.
9/24/06 0.00


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