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Whose Hat is This? Coloring Book Title Page - by kenisu3000

Whose Hat is This? Coloring Book Title Page

whohat - #01
Last month, my church was doing a service project for the local crisis center, and they asked me to illustrate a coloring book for the kids. By this time, I was already deeply immersed in my "Mother" comic series for the site, and I knew from past experience that if I sidetracked myself, I might never get back around to the comic. I also knew that even if I illustrated this coloring book, my heart just wouldn't be in it unless it was something that I felt very close to. So, instead of throwing together some goofy little "See Spot Run" thing, I decided to take a tiny piece of the storyline from Mother 1 (that is, when Ninten and Lloyd bring Anna her hat) and kiddify it for all it's worth.
The irony of it all is, now there's probably a handful of kids in my hometown running around with their crayons scribbling in a coloring book based on a retro Nintendo game that never made it outside of Japan. And they don't even know it. I've brainwashed the children... :)

PERFECT 10! The score will say 1.10, but it's actually 10.

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kenisu3000 Chapter 1 - Page 48: What Happened With Mimmie
kenisu - #48
As you may be able to tell, in the first flashback panel, where Mimmie is looking at her door, I accidentally and absentmindedly gave her Minnie's color scheme... then realized what I had done, went "oh, snap" and erased the red as well I could, and replaced it with the purple scheme - though it's still very red-tinted.

Blasted twins.
4/10/08 0.00
kenisu3000 Chapter 1 - Page 49: The Dreaded Aftermath
kenisu - #49
I have no idea what a chest of drawers, let alone dresser drawers, is doing in a living room, but I was really having a time trying to think of living room decorations. I'm a very limited-minded person when it comes to decor, what can I say?
Also, every time I see those three exclamation marks, I hear the Metal Gear Solid sound effect in my head.
3/8/09 0.00
kenisu3000 Chapter 1 - Page 50: Poppa's a Phony
kenisu - #50
I had to do some correction work on Ninten's mom's neck in two panels. Her head was turned toward the phone, but her body was faced fully forward on the couch. It was beginning to look like the possessed house wasn't the only reason why these folks needed an exorcist...
And although it's long-forgotten, Tomato helped me figure out the whole business about Rap Phenomena... way back when I first joined the forum about three years ago. So thanks, Mato!
3/8/09 0.00
kenisu3000 Pork Trooper: You Know You Want His Body
I've discovered something interesting about myself. I get my best humorous inspiration when it's late at night (read: early in the morning) and I'm sleep-deprived. Maybe I ought to try that from now on whenever I need to think of a good punchline for my comics.
3/8/09 0.00
kenisu3000 Paula
A sketch of Paula.
3/12/09 0.00


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